If you think those ads with before and afters for over-the-counter products are typical, think again! Stop believing in almost all of the before and after photos you see in ads! With over 25 years of experience in the surgery and non-surgical world, our nurse injector, Loraine Olson, RN, has seen thousands of real life before and afters. Her advice? Avoid the scams that over promise. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is! She has even seen laser companies use before and after photos that are highly unlikely. What should you trust? First, trust the professional with experience! That’s why Loraine and Shae at Charmed Medispa in Newark, Delaware, near Wilmington, Delaware, produce results that others cannot — due to their extensive experience! We do all the homework, testing and trials to see if the products are up to our standards before we offer them. Second, use medical-grade products! What a difference. It is better to use one medical-grade, supervised product than it is to use three over-the-counter products. If you have a budget you want to work within, we will work with you to meet your needs on results and budget! Super combo! We offer treatments for laser hair removal, pigment reduction, wrinkle improvement, acne and scars, excessive redness, photodamage and much more! Make 2016 your year for beautiful skin!