Do you react to products on your face with additional redness and irritation? Are you frustrated trying to find a skin care product that won’t break you out and cause bumps? Skin can be both sensitive as well as sensitized. Sensitive skin is an increasing concern we see at our Delaware med spa. Let’s review the difference in sensitive skin versus sensitized skin.
Sensitive skin usually starts from birth and can include allergies, asthma and facial blushing. Sensitive skin tends to have thinner skin and more prone to blood vessels showing that makes the face appear red. Most likely, one of your parents also has sensitive skin. Since the skin is thin (the skin barrier), there is less protection from irritants, bacteria and allergies. This skin barrier is also important for skin conditions like rosecea, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. Symptoms of sensitive skin include redness, dry patches, flaky skin, tight, burning, itchy skin and skin that is easily irritated by products.
Sensitized skin or reactive skin is caused by environmental factors as well as what is going on inside the body. Sensitized skin can also be a result of lifestyle, products that are not right for you, hormones, diet, smoking, alcohol, sun exposure and more. Symptoms of sensitized skin include dryness, redness, bumps, acne, rash, broken capillaries, and the feeling of being tight after washing. Sensitized skin takes a true skin care experienced expert like Shae Ryan, LE, to uncover the causes and make the appropriate recommendations to remedy the skin. Certain treatments like chemical peels may need to be avoided for sensitive skin. Skin care products should be chosen carefully for sensitized skin and monitored appropriately.
Charmed Medispa has the experience you are looking for to treat a variety of complex skin concerns including rosecea, irritated skin, acne, sun spots, melasma, acne and oily prone skin with large pores as well as a combination of these skin concerns. If you are looking for a med spa near you, check out our five star medispa reviews and recommendations as well as our before and after skin care photos. In addition to skin care, we offer botox and fillers, chemical peels, microdermabrasions, vipeel, skin tightening and more.