Tell Me More About Lip Filler

The first thing you need to know about lip filler is that lip fillers look and feel natural.  Makes you want to try it, right?  Lip filler is a very popular treatment at our Delaware med spa and we know exactly why.  Everyone loves having smoother, plumper lips!  Here are some other things you should…

Lip Filler – What To Expect

Are you considering lip filler?  Did you know that lip filler is one of the most popular treatments and ranked highly satisfying?  Our Delaware med spa does a tremendous amount of lip filler injections with products like Juvederm, Restylane and Versa.  Let us walk you through what to expect when you have lip filler injections.…

Sculptra – An Anti-Aging Insurance Policy

If you haven’t heard about Sculptra, you are missing out!  Sculptra Aesthetic helps to stimulate your own collagen making the skin naturally get firmer and tighter.  Sculptra is an insurance policy for anti-aging! As you can see in these before and after photos of Sculptra, the patient looks better but not different.  Neither of these…

Stay At Home Rejuvenation Tips

Are you looking for some stay at home refreshment tips?  It’s Quarantined Glow Up Time!   You can accomplish collagen rebuild and firmer, healthier skin at home.  Having great skin is considered the best accessory and can be a nice boost to your mood. Get your skin ready every day with the essentials from ZO Skin…

Prejuvenation – Getting Ahead Of Aging

Look at these photos of Shae from 2005 and from 2020.  She is 15 years older but in our opinion (we think you’ll agree), she looks younger.  Beautiful, Shae.  Beautiful then and beautiful now.  But she does have less sun damage, darkness under the eyes and significantly improved contours on her face.  She’s pretty flawless…

Filler – Did you Know?

There are many different aspects about dermal fillers like Restylane, Juvederm and Versa that surprises people.  Our aesthetic injection special, Loraine Savarese, RN, has been injecting fillers since 2003 and was one of the first injectors in the state to learn the fine art of fillers and she remarks, “I’ve been continually enthused about the…