Softer Smoother and Satisfied

Pressing the brows together can eventually cause a crease in the skin.  After years of moving the brows in this fashion, the crease can actually stay and be there when you are not moving.  The crease often makes clients look mad when they are not.  Adding Botox or Dysport is a great option between the…

Pesky Lip Lines Treated

On any person above age 40, it is not uncommon to have lip lines (even if you are not a smoker).  Lip lines are simply from talking and moving your mouth in an inward fashion.  Over time, fine and deep lines and wrinkles will stay even when you are not moving or talking.  Thankfully, there…

The Real Story of Lip Filler

Lip filler has a lot of rumors going round!  Some rumors are that you will look like a duck after treatment and look “filled”.  The reality about lip filler is that YOU WILL WANT MORE!  Never less.  One syringe of Restylane or Juvederm to the lips makes them perfectly smoother and a little plumper.  That’s…

Shae Ryan Secrets of Success

Shae Ryan is not your typical aesthetician.  Shae is not your typical person, either.  Shae was born with the innate talent to manage skin conditions and we can only call what she does “miraculous”. Shae has a passion for skin care.  She didn’t become a skin care provider “because I want skin care myself”.  She…

Shave Time With Laser Hair Removal

Imagine the amount of time you spend shaving your legs, your under arms, your bikini and sometimes even your female facial hair?  Here are some astonishing statistics from Average amount of times a woman shaves each month 12 Average amount of times a woman will shave in her lifetime 7,718 Average amount of money…

Our Standards Are Highest On Products

Do you know who is constantly looking at what are the best products for each skin condition?  We are at Charmed Medispa.  We have four internal skin care trials taking place right now.  Because seeing the results ourselves is what counts most.  A skin care company, even medical grade, has to go through our vigorous…

Discover Face and Neck Tightening

First, let’s get a round of applause for THIS result.  The jaw and chin line are more refined and the neck is tighter, firmer and less saggy.  All of these results on the face and neck were accomplished without surgery.  These results deserve a standing ovation for this beautiful lady who is completely thrilled! Here’s…

Expensive Necklaces on Cheap Chests

Got your attention, right?  Trust us when we encourage you not to forget about your decolletage and chest area.  With very simple and no downtime treatments, you can vamp up your skin, remove excess pigmentation, sunspots and liver spots and wrinkles.  The chest and decolletage area are often forgotten about while individuals hyper-focus on their…

The Answer To Healthy Skin

Healthy skin is smooth, firm/tight, hydrated, even colored, and strong! That seems easy enough right?! But who has skin that is all of those things? This is what clients ask for when they come to us. Yet they come with a  bag full of random “anti-aging” products half of which are moisturizers. So why is their…