Your Results ARE Worth It

What do you value most?  What is the meaning of a successful treatment for you?  Most individuals would  proclaim that the biggest concern for them is getting the desired outcome from their treatments here at Charmed Medispa.  A successful treatment than purely equals fabulous results.  A successful treatment is YOUR desired outcome. So, let’s focus…

Charmed Medispa Rewards Galore

At Charmed Medipsa, you can decide how to treat yourself and what you want to “save” on.  We have a beautiful program called Charmed Rewards and it works like this. Every time you have a service done, you are given points that will accumulate and equal dollars off.  When you reach a certain threshold,  you…

What Exactly Is Healthy Skin?

Healthy.  You hear that word all the time.  Healthy heart.  Healthy lungs and even, healthy mind.  But what exactly is healthy skin?  What does that mean?  First of all, your skin is complex.  It’s like a machine with gears and levels and sometimes things work properly and sometimes things within the skin start not working…

Your Face is Dreaming About Us

Your face right now, if it is sagging and feels neglected, is dreaming about Charmed Medispa.  You can smile.   We are like Disneyland for your face and body needs!  And your face knows it and wants to come see Shae the skin wizard and Loraine the master face magician. At Charmed Medispa, we can…

Sis Boom Bah Goooooo Beautiful

If you have been Charmed Medispa for a consult, you probably left the consult saying “that’s a ton of information”.  If you came for simple concerns of a few wrinkles, there was most likely four or five options for treatment or products to help improve those concerns.  If you google those concerns, there are a…

Skip The Scalpel

Twenty years ago, you had two choices.  You could get older and have surgery with significant downtime procedures (like your face burned or cut) or have nothing.  Facelift, CO2 laser, eyelid lifts, brow lifts and neck lifts were the options for facial rejuvenation. Fast forward to today.  Today, you have so many non-surgical options available…

It Is Usually One Or The Other

Easy and impressive.  The words in reference to skin tightening usually do not go together!  You don’t have to choose anymore.  It used to be that if it was easy, the results were bland.  Likewise, if the results were impressive, you had to have uber downtime and incisions with healing and scars.    Enter in…