A Word To The Judgy

Just yesterday, a man commented on one of our social media posts that people should not have anti-aging services done and that we should just like how we look without treatments.  Meanwhile he is dressed in a suit in his profile picture with designer glasses and looks likes he cares about his appearance.  We responded…

Midface Groove Treatment Results

Ever notice a line that seems to go from the corner of your lower eyelid down the middle of your face?  Usually there is also some bulging or pocket on the cheek beside this groove that looks puffy.  It can make the under eye area and cheek look dark and make you look tired. This…

How Does Looking Great Make You Feel

Simple. Looking great makes you feel great.  Looking great gives you an edge in life that you want called confidence.  You will never regret looking great! LOOK AT THESE OUTSTANDING RESULTS WE ACCOMPLISHED!  She is very, very, very happy! She has zero regrets other than not starting her refreshment earlier! Women want to look good…

All The Benefits Of Lip Line Filler

Look in the mirror and pucker up.  Are there lines and wrinkles in the lips and above the lips that you would like to smooth out?  You may not be a smoker but you have these “smoker lines”.  Why?  Simply because you move your mouth constantly.  Do you want to look a little more seamless? …