Summer of Skin Sin

We get this all the time.  Clients crave beautiful skin BUT they want their summer of skin sin.  A summer of skin sin is when you want to be at the beach and kind of tan (although you deny it).  Skin sin is plagued with radiation from the sun because you “forgot” to use sunblock.…

Ahhhhh……Diamond Tip Microdermabrasion

Who doesn’t want smoother skin that feels like silk?  Are you getting ready for a special event and want to look more radiant?  Consider microdermabrasion.  But not any microdermabrasion.  It HAS to be a diamond tip microdermabrasion.  Have you had a microdermabrasion where the participles of sand are sprayed on your face and you have it…

Building You UP

It’s a different place in life getting older and feeling older BUT you have so many options for feeling and looking great these days!  First, take care of yourself!  There is a phase of women taking care of their children and family and they forget to take care of themselves.  They lose themselves in that…

Product Confusion

You open a magazine and you have 20 ads with products that have claims to fame.  You see before and after photos of products results that are impressive.  It makes you want to have those results and next thing you know, you are ordering that product.  Most likely you ordered it over the internet and…

Age Is Only a Number – Finally!

It’s a common well known phrase…. age is only a number.  But about 15 years ago, many people showed their age.  Their solutions were to get plastic surgery to fix their “melting” faces.  Many people did not choose that option.  Enter the non-surgical world of options for rejuvenation about 14 years ago.  Fast forward to…

Trust Is Key

We live by a core motto here at Charmed Medispa and most of us know it as a Biblical verse….. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  It is our cornerstone.  We are grounded by this at Charmed Medispa.  We have high standards here at Charmed Medispa.  We have high standards…

I Don’t Need It Because I Have It

Best quote at Charmed Medispa recently.  Someone said to another person here “Well, YOU don’t need anything done.”  Her reply is spot on.  “That’s because I have things done!”  That’s right.  She looks amazing at her age because she has invested a little time and energy into maintenance for herself.  When should you start having…

It’s All About YOUR Journey

We have clients ask us IF they should do something.  Our reply is “how much does it bother you?”.  If you answer that it doesn’t bother you, then there is your answer.  Don’t try to change it unless you think about it and wish it was better.  You might be thinking that your friend tried…

It’s Not Luck Here

We all love getting lucky.  We all would love to win the lottery and cash in on a huge prize.  That would be luck.  Big time.  But luck is not what you want to experience for the most part at a medical spa.  You might get lucky to enjoy a giveaway here but the best…