Many people focus on their face for rejuvenation and improvement in lines, pigmentation and wrinkles but forget about the chest area. Next thing you know, the chest looks way different that the face. We encourage you to make sure your appearance is cohesive. Look at your face and exam the contrast (or lack of contrast) from the chest area. The chest area is often exposed to more sun and when you go swimming it loses its sunscreen faster. Reapplication of sunblock is needed more often on the chest area. The chest and decolletage can be improved with practicing better sunblock application (and the right sunblock) as well as products for rejuvenation like Nectifirm from Revision Skin Care and Advanced Neck Firming Cream from Sente as well as RetinA application. After the skin is prepped, we add Intense Pulsed Light and laser resurfacing to get rid of skin textured lesions. The results of chest rejuvenation can be long lasting and are highly satisfying. Then you can wear your scoop neck dresses and shirts with confidence! Looking good and feeling great! We offer complimentary consults about skin concerns including melasma, acne, photodamage, wrinkles and fine lines, pore reduction, hair removal, folds and depressions and much more. We are Delaware’s experts in the medical spa field with over 30 years of combined experience!