Do you suffer from sun damage with uneven skin tones, redness and spots on the face? Do you want to have a more clear complexion? This is a common concern we hear at Charmed Medispa in Newark, Delaware and there are a lot of choices that are available to improve sun damage, rosecea, freckles, acne and a combination of these conditions.
The first step in meeting skin care goals is to make sure that you have changed your lifestyle. No more purposely tanning and sun bathing. No more days of skipping your skin care routine. Stop smoking. If you think about your skin as your largest organ in the body, you need to take care of it. Abusing the sun will have consequences. Smoking will have consequences. Not being committed to your skin care program will have consequences. We see patients who achieve their skin care goals and then start tanning again and the results fall apart. We want you to stay committed to great choices for the benefit of your skin.
Charmed Medispa is always recommend that our patients maximize their skin care routines at home so that every day anti-aging resources are in place. The ZO Skin Health line has a tremendous amount of choices to get skin healthier from within and whisk away sun damage, improve redness, irritation and acne. There is also a new product called (Plated) by Skinscience that has been a top seller recently for successful aging and reduction in redness.
If you are looking for a fast track to remove sun damage, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) combined with a chemical peel like the ViPeel or ZO Skin Health 3 Step peel, is one of the best combinations without downtime. You will get lifting of the sun damage with the IPL with improvement in redness and broken capillaries and you will get a bonus with the chemical peel to improve tones, textures, wrinkles, acne and pigmentation. Patients love this combination because the results are so impressive.
If you can withstand some downtime, then laser resurfacing like the Halo or Pixel laser will be an impressive way to improve sun damage and tackle deeper wrinkles and lines. You won’t be able to put makeup on for 5-7 days after resurfacing but the results will be significantly better than any treatment that has no downtime. You can also combine IPL with a laser resurfacing for additional improvement.
Do you want more specific advice? Send us a picture to or call us directly at 302-273-2827. Charmed Medispa is proud to serve our Delaware community with safe, effective and highly satisfying treatments. Check out our gallery of before and after results and see what transformations we have done.