Are you looking for wrinkle reduction with a treatment like Botox? Are you overwhelmed with the choices that appear online for which medication is the best for treatment of wrinkles and lines? Currently, in the US we have five choices for what is called “neuromodulators” or “neurotoxins” (tox for short) that relax the muscles creating less wrinkles, lifting of some areas and overall smoother and refreshed skin.
Everyone knows the term “Botox” and Botox was the first tox introduced in the states. Botox showed patients for the first time how dramatically their wrinkles could improve with a no downtime, safe and effective treatment. Dysport was introduced and today has higher particle potency than Botox which means it acts faster and often longer than Botox. The next contenders, Jeaveau and Xeomin, have been introduced a few years ago.
Recently, Daxxify has been introduced which states that it lasts 6 months or longer. Daxxify cost, however, is almost twice as much as the other neurotoxin treatments so you will save on time with less appointments per year (2 versus 3) but you will pay more. Since Daxxify just came out, we cannot endorse the longevity until we personally have testimonies from our patients who report longer lasting results.
We are thrilled to have options for our patients at Charmed. Our aesthetic injection expert has been a trainer to educate other health care providers on the fine art of neuromodulators so you can feel safe and reassured when you come here for injections.
If you are looking for wrinkle reduction, lifting of the corners of mouth or brows, reduction in your masseter tension or sweating in the arm pit area, call Charmed Medispa today at 302-273-2827. You can also email use at We are happy to have five star reviews and a gallery of results to show our patients the work that we do.

Charmed Medispa Botox Prevention

Charmed Medispa Botox Delaware