About a decade ago, two women had a dream of opening a medical spa. They were working in a medical spa already but felt that they could elevate the medical spa experience if given the opportunity. Hence, Charmed Medispa was born. Today, we celebrate five years of serving our community and we could not be more honored and proud to do that.
A medical spa is a unique place that provides both spa services like facials and chemical peels combined with medical services like lasers, Botox and fillers. Medical spas have grown tremendously as the demand for successful aging has increased. People are looking for alternatives to look their best through every decade as well as to avoid surgery.
There are so many resources a medical spa has now that we didn’t have even ten years ago. There are devices that tighten skin, like Infini that uses radiofrequency and microneedling. There are superior medical grade chemical peels like the ZO Skin Health’s 123 Step Peel. There have been tremendous changes in dermal fillers for both the Restylane and Juvederm lines. Along the way, our Delaware medical spa has added new and advanced technology and products to provide the ultimate results in anti-aging. Check out our portfolio to see results of non-surgical refreshment.
In addition, we are proud of have Delaware’s most experienced medical spa providers, Loraine Savarese and Shae Ryan. They started the medical spa industry in Delaware and are well known for their caring and compassion and knowledge in the med spa field. Charmed Medispa is Delaware’s most recommended and highest ranked med spa and we are proud to serve you!
If you are looking for solutions for skin care concerns or rejuvenation, call us today to learn more about the highly ranked services we offer. At this time, we can provide virtual consultations to serve your needs.