Successful Botox and Dysport

You want to know how to get the results you want with Botox and Dysport and to make it last as long as it should?  Here are the key points for successful results with Botox or Dysport:  The right sites of injection for your concerns.  Your forehead is not your friends forehead so don’t compare…

This WOULD Have Been Her Future

Guess what didn’t happen to Shae’s face?  Sagging.  Sun damage.  Wrinkles.  Etched Lines.  Bags under her eyes.  Cancerous lesions.  RBF.  Jowls.  Hooding of her eyelids.  Small deflated lips. BECAUSE….she decided to take care of her skin, enhance her facial volume as needed and get her Botox and Dysport.  End of story. You’re welcome, Shae! It’s…

Ginormous Happiness

If you have a concern on your face and want it make better, guess what?  Do it.  This result of her eye area looks like a thousand dollar result but frankly, it costs about $200-240 total to treat the crow’s feet for both eyes depending on each case.  Easy treatment.  Wow results in the crow’s…

This Is How You Grow Old Gracefully

“I just want to grow old gracefully.”  What exactly does that mean?  You embrace getting older, right?  Why can’t you embrace getting older but take great care of yourself in the process to look your best?   Can you look your best and still be growing old gracefully?  We believe that growing old gracefully means…

Softer Smoother and Satisfied

Pressing the brows together can eventually cause a crease in the skin.  After years of moving the brows in this fashion, the crease can actually stay and be there when you are not moving.  The crease often makes clients look mad when they are not.  Adding Botox or Dysport is a great option between the…

Expensive Necklaces on Cheap Chests

Got your attention, right?  Trust us when we encourage you not to forget about your decolletage and chest area.  With very simple and no downtime treatments, you can vamp up your skin, remove excess pigmentation, sunspots and liver spots and wrinkles.  The chest and decolletage area are often forgotten about while individuals hyper-focus on their…

Your Results ARE Worth It

What do you value most?  What is the meaning of a successful treatment for you?  Most individuals would  proclaim that the biggest concern for them is getting the desired outcome from their treatments here at Charmed Medispa.  A successful treatment than purely equals fabulous results.  A successful treatment is YOUR desired outcome. So, let’s focus…

Charmed Medispa Rewards Galore

At Charmed Medipsa, you can decide how to treat yourself and what you want to “save” on.  We have a beautiful program called Charmed Rewards and it works like this. Every time you have a service done, you are given points that will accumulate and equal dollars off.  When you reach a certain threshold,  you…

Your Face is Dreaming About Us

Your face right now, if it is sagging and feels neglected, is dreaming about Charmed Medispa.  You can smile.   We are like Disneyland for your face and body needs!  And your face knows it and wants to come see Shae the skin wizard and Loraine the master face magician. At Charmed Medispa, we can…