Your Results ARE Worth It

What do you value most?  What is the meaning of a successful treatment for you?  Most individuals would  proclaim that the biggest concern for them is getting the desired outcome from their treatments here at Charmed Medispa.  A successful treatment than purely equals fabulous results.  A successful treatment is YOUR desired outcome. So, let’s focus…

Your Face is Dreaming About Us

Your face right now, if it is sagging and feels neglected, is dreaming about Charmed Medispa.  You can smile.   We are like Disneyland for your face and body needs!  And your face knows it and wants to come see Shae the skin wizard and Loraine the master face magician. At Charmed Medispa, we can…

Eyes Are NEVER Quiet

Every woman knows that the eyes speak.  We can look angry or ecstatic with our eyes alone.  We can give away our feelings with our eyes.  Just ask our husbands and significant others!  The eyes are a very common place of concern as well.  Through time, the eyes can be more hollow, smaller, or have…


Let’s get a few things straight.  Is the mic on?  Can you hear us in the back row?  Okay, now. Number one:  We say “no” a good amount. Number two:  That alone is awesome and fundamental to an exceptional practice.  Charmed Medispa  is a practice built on morals and integrity and we are obsessed with…

Educate First Treat Second

It’s not uncommon that clients are overwhelmed by the choices they have and are not sure “what to do next”.  We admit there are lots of choices these days and we are proud that we offer the right solutions.  We like to make sure that we listen to your concerns and then educate you thoroughly…

Secret Places for Botox

Everyone knows you can have Botox in the forehead, between the brows and the crow’s feet.  But did you know that you can smooth the dimples in the chin called chin cobbling?  Just a few units of Botox are needed to do this and the results of Botox in the chin are five star rated.…

What Sets Us Apart

From the get go, we wanted to set Charmed Medispa apart from the rest.  Co-founders, Loraine Olson and Shae Ryan, thought of all the elements that were essential as well as all the elements within Charmed Medispa that would never be accepted.  The essentials are to provide the best and safest services.  Sounds easy but…

Successful Aging Can Be Yours

Meet Leslie.  She is 45-years-old.  We can all agree that at this age, she looks amazing!  Her skin is more clear, face is balanced and lifted, the jaw/chin line is tighter, her lines are erased and she looks completely natural!  You’re welcome, Leslie!  Leslie can be thankful for the following.   The first is the…

Who Knew Botox Treats This?

Our nurse, Loraine Olson, likes to say that Botox is the easiest treatment she does all day BUT the most complex!  It’s not hard to give a needle (the easy part).  The complexity of Botox is due to the important fact that it should be customized per patient, per treatment.  With that said, it’s a…