No Guilt No Excuses

Welcome 2018.  We find ourselves faced again with making goals, resolutions and forecasting for our future.  If we polled 100 women and men, almost all of them would rank being healthy and taking care of themselves as a high priority. People also want to look and feel their best.  Let’s decide now that the following…

I Woke Up With A Waddle

One day you don’t have it and the next day, it seems like it magically appears.  Welcome to The Waddle Years.  That flap of skin that hangs every so annoyingly from the chin.  The flap that you are very aware of and  because of it, you raise your chin for pictures.  Your mom had it. …

Make Prevention A Priority

Looking left to right in this photo, you can see the facial decent, sagging, jowls and wrinkles that appear over time when someone does not do anything to decelerate the process that occurs during aging.  We can celebrate that now we have the opportunity to interrupt the phases of noticeable aging and avoid the emotions…

Abundant Solutions For Refreshment

We can…. Lift.  Thank you, heaven!  Finally we have remarkable skin lifting treatments without surgery including Exilis Ultra, dermal fillers and Sculptra to name a few.  We can lift the face and even the body. Sculpt.  When the face is out of balance with the lower face being fuller and thicker than the mid-face, we…

Look What We Can Do Without Surgery

Raise your hand if you want your face, neck or body tighter?  Literally, all hands went up!  The skin is an organ that is often neglected.  Over time, it looses it’s fit on your face and body and starts to sag.  Thankfully, we have impressive non-surgical options to tighten and firm skin.  Finally. On this…

This WOULD Have Been Her Future

Guess what didn’t happen to Shae’s face?  Sagging.  Sun damage.  Wrinkles.  Etched Lines.  Bags under her eyes.  Cancerous lesions.  RBF.  Jowls.  Hooding of her eyelids.  Small deflated lips. BECAUSE….she decided to take care of her skin, enhance her facial volume as needed and get her Botox and Dysport.  End of story. You’re welcome, Shae! It’s…

Keeping It Tight

Tight.  Everyone wants their body and face “tight”.  Firmer.  Lifted.  Tighter.  Thankfully, there are options to tighten any area of the body and face without having surgery.  Let us break it down for you. Medical Grade Skin Care:  A MUST.  Why?  Because this is your daily infusion of what makes skin tighter and healthier as…

Discover Face and Neck Tightening

First, let’s get a round of applause for THIS result.  The jaw and chin line are more refined and the neck is tighter, firmer and less saggy.  All of these results on the face and neck were accomplished without surgery.  These results deserve a standing ovation for this beautiful lady who is completely thrilled! Here’s…

Expensive Necklaces on Cheap Chests

Got your attention, right?  Trust us when we encourage you not to forget about your decolletage and chest area.  With very simple and no downtime treatments, you can vamp up your skin, remove excess pigmentation, sunspots and liver spots and wrinkles.  The chest and decolletage area are often forgotten about while individuals hyper-focus on their…