Your Face is Dreaming About Us

Your face right now, if it is sagging and feels neglected, is dreaming about Charmed Medispa.  You can smile.   We are like Disneyland for your face and body needs!  And your face knows it and wants to come see Shae the skin wizard and Loraine the master face magician. At Charmed Medispa, we can…

It Is Usually One Or The Other

Easy and impressive.  The words in reference to skin tightening usually do not go together!  You don’t have to choose anymore.  It used to be that if it was easy, the results were bland.  Likewise, if the results were impressive, you had to have uber downtime and incisions with healing and scars.    Enter in…

Real Life Doesn’t Have Filters

Who doesn’t want the skin around their eyes to be tighter and firmer?! Silly question right?! We buy creams and potions (some of which actually help some).  We watch all the latest makeup tricks on YouTube trying to give the “illusion” of tighter brighter and firmer under eye skin.  We even use filters to brighten…

Eyes Are NEVER Quiet

Every woman knows that the eyes speak.  We can look angry or ecstatic with our eyes alone.  We can give away our feelings with our eyes.  Just ask our husbands and significant others!  The eyes are a very common place of concern as well.  Through time, the eyes can be more hollow, smaller, or have…

Innovative and Ingenious

Staying ON TOP of the aesthetic industry is no easy task.  The platform of non-surgical options is ever changing.  The technology is improving (faster than cell phones).  The products are evolving. The way to use the technologies in combination is avant-garde.   At Charmed Medispa, Loraine and Shae spend an enormous amount of time CHANGING…

Raise Your Hand If You Want Tighter Skin

Like everyone else, you want tighter skin.  Perhaps in the tush, the face or the arms but we are sure you can think of an area that you pull back and like how it looks.  Thankfully, we are solutions! Exilis Ultra is an exceptional skin tightening device that combines radiofrequency and ultrasound.  With this combination…