Refresh The Chest

Don’t forget about the chest area and decolletage.  Sometimes we see brilliant and clear skin on the face and then a severely sun damaged chest and decolletage.  At Charmed Medispa, we encourage you to focus on the face, neck and chest as a single unit where the skin is blended and match. How can you…

911 Skin Resuscitated

Did you know that you can’t get healthy skin with a treatment?  It’s impossible.  You can LOOK better with a treatment but if you took a biopsy of your skin or watched it “grow” again, it would still be making unhealthy, lack luster skin.  Why? Allow us to explain.  Does the engine of your car…

Shave Time With Laser Hair Removal

Imagine the amount of time you spend shaving your legs, your under arms, your bikini and sometimes even your female facial hair?  Here are some astonishing statistics from Average amount of times a woman shaves each month 12 Average amount of times a woman will shave in her lifetime 7,718 Average amount of money…

Expensive Necklaces on Cheap Chests

Got your attention, right?  Trust us when we encourage you not to forget about your decolletage and chest area.  With very simple and no downtime treatments, you can vamp up your skin, remove excess pigmentation, sunspots and liver spots and wrinkles.  The chest and decolletage area are often forgotten about while individuals hyper-focus on their…