Sculptra – An Anti-Aging Insurance Policy

If you haven’t heard about Sculptra, you are missing out!  Sculptra Aesthetic helps to stimulate your own collagen making the skin naturally get firmer and tighter.  Sculptra is an insurance policy for anti-aging! As you can see in these before and after photos of Sculptra, the patient looks better but not different.  Neither of these…

Instant Impressive Jowl Treatment

Have you ever felt that your face was melting?  Well, you are not alone.  We have a Jowl Support Group here at Charmed Medispa.  If you are looking for a fast pick-me-up for jowls, there are options that can be impressive without surgery or downtime.  What are our favorites? Our favorite is using fillers like Restylane…

A Word To The Judgy

Just yesterday, a man commented on one of our social media posts that people should not have anti-aging services done and that we should just like how we look without treatments.  Meanwhile he is dressed in a suit in his profile picture with designer glasses and looks likes he cares about his appearance.  We responded…

How Does Looking Great Make You Feel

Simple. Looking great makes you feel great.  Looking great gives you an edge in life that you want called confidence.  You will never regret looking great! LOOK AT THESE OUTSTANDING RESULTS WE ACCOMPLISHED!  She is very, very, very happy! She has zero regrets other than not starting her refreshment earlier! Women want to look good…

You Only Live Once

We all know that you only live once.  Fact.  But are you living like you only live once?  At Charmed Medispa, we don’t believe that it’s vanity to take care of the concerns you have.  We believe that it’s absolutely worth it.  Taking care of yourself is better than any possession you have or even…

Look What We Can Do Without Surgery

Raise your hand if you want your face, neck or body tighter?  Literally, all hands went up!  The skin is an organ that is often neglected.  Over time, it looses it’s fit on your face and body and starts to sag.  Thankfully, we have impressive non-surgical options to tighten and firm skin.  Finally. On this…