It’s a pattern and after consulting with thousands of individuals, we would like to sum up and generalize how people react and think about non-surgical rejuvenation. The 20 year olds, totally get it and will not hesitate to have it done if they are concerned about something in their appearance. The 30 year old, recognize that maintenance is essential and they are familiar with choices they have and work hard and do not hesitate to do a little of this and that to stay younger looking. The 40 year old, tends to over think treatments because they want it but don’t want to invest in it. Kids are going off to college and there’s so much in the future to plan for. But once they have treatment, they will hock that piece of jewelry that haven’t worn in ten years and will FIND a way to make it happen. The 50 year old, are so scared to “look done” and fear leaks into their thoughts about “what if”. They are not liking the aging process and finally want to address it. The 60 + year old think “I’m too far gone” and there’s no hope now. They have the resources but are afraid that they should just forget about themselves and grow old “gracefully”. We hear these common concerns and we want to share this – YOU WILL NOT REGRET DOING THIS! Nothing that you own, have, drive or taste will make you feel better than feeling like you “look good for my age”. Confidence is better than any piece of jewelry you have and all the purses and shoes in the world, will not boost your spirits like feeling connect with your appearance. We offer dermal filler, lasers, Botox and Dysport, amazing skin care, the best facials and microdermabrasions and we strive to reassure you that it’s okay. It’s more than okay to have this done. It’s wonderful! Come see us for a complimentary consult in our Newark, Delaware location to evaluate your skin care needs!